👻 What Does a Ghostwriter Do?

Answering common questions about ghostwriting, email marketing, and more

📬 Practically, what does an email marketing ghostwriter do?

Phenomenal question.

People hire me to write, design, and send email marketing newsletters and more as their business.

The “ghostwriting” component comes from the fact that I don’t take (public) credit for my work, and write in my clients’ brand voice instead of my own.

While there are ghostwriters of all different flavours, I focus on email marketing because I believe it’s one of the most effective ways to market your business in 2024.

💼 Who should hire a Ghostwriter?

All kinds of businesses and professionals hire ghostwriters. Here are a few of the most popular:

  • Realtors

  • Restaurants

  • Consultants

  • Small Business shops

  • Social Media Influencers

  • Contractors

  • Lawyers

  • Accountants

  • Financial Advisors

  • CEOs, CFOs, CMOs

  • Photographers, Videographers

Of course, the sky’s the limit on who could benefit from the services of an email marketing ghostwriter.

💸 Why should businesses spend their money on email marketing?

Another hard hitter! I love it.

  1. It’s more than just email marketing. Each newsletter can be repurposed into tons of other formats including social media posts, video scripts, blogs, podcast episodes, and more.

  2. It’s better for driving sales. Specials, promos, staying top of mind: all of these things are amplified with email.

  3. Email can put part of your marketing on autopilot. Especially if you’re using educational email series, you can set-it-and-forget-it with your emails.

  4. It separates you from the competition. Likely, few of your competitors are using email as well as they could. It’s the most slept on technique you can take advantage of.

  5. It establishes you as an expert. Earn rapport by doing more and doing it better. Your customers will take notice.

💌 Why are you such a fan of email marketing specifically?

There are a few key reasons I love email marketing so much:

  • Reach up to 100% of your audience, as opposed to social media where you’re lucky if 10% sees it

  • Protect yourself from changing algorithms or being locked out of your account by having a private database of all your contacts, independent of a single platform

  • You compete with less people in an inbox

  • Email is where leads are nurtured. Social media can do this, but email separates tire kickers from serious buyers

There are plenty more reasons I love email, but those are some of the biggest ones I think all businesses can benefit from.

Ghostwriting Pricing

Learn more about my prices and what is included in my email marketing packages.