Forget Strategy: Just Start Posting Videos

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Listen, I’m all for strategy and planning and research. But it’s so easy to get stunted on success because we don’t even know where to begin.

So I’m encouraging you not to even worry about Where do I begin?

Just start.

Something I have repeatedly found to be true: video is hard work. It involves more intentionality. You can’t hide behind a crappy, poorly thought-out video. It has a way of sifting through the garbage to bring the authenticity out of people.

Here are the big reasons you should just start today:

1. It won’t hurt you

Ok, assuming you won’t spout off controversial things that are contradictory to your brand or beliefs, there’s no real way video is going to hurt you. The whole point of video is to break down barriers and give people a peek behind the curtain.

If your brand is built upon secrecy… send me a private message because I just have so many questions about how someone builds a business like that lol.

Even if your video content feels off-brand, or not as highly polished as it could be, chances are it’s still going to benefit you. In fact, I’d argue that (up to a certain extent), less-polished video is going to be a greater starting point.

2. You’re collecting data

Strategy has to be based on some sort of data, right? We can only make predictions on what we should do in relativity to what we’ve already done or seen.

If nothing else, think of posting video as a giant experiment. You’re going to learn more about your audience (and what resonates with them) by sharing immediately.

Heck, if you’re really ambitious, ask your audience what kind of stuff they want to see from you! It’s important to take everything with a grain of salt, but it might help you get over mental roadblocks if you’re struggling.

3. Tomorrow, you’ll wish you started today

If you’re the kind of business owner that reads this blog, you’re probably not only thinking about the short-term goals of your business, but the long-term ones as well.

Video, I’m going to argue, can be a huge catalyst to get you where you want to go.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.

So for video. Tomorrow, you’re going to wish you’d started with video content today. Get ‘er done!

Aidan Hennebry

Hey 😀🤚🏻 I’m Aidan, and regularly share a variety of content on my two blogs: is full of articles on marketing, managing, and shaping your career to suit your life; is my personal blog on my various passions, interests, and philosophies on life.


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